Pat Abrami is the voice of common sense and traditional values that have made New Hampshire (NH) the best state in the union to work, raise a family, and retire. He has as a six term State Rep, and will as a NH Senator, hold our ground as our more progressive friends want NH to adopt policies that we have seen fail time and again in all those failed/bankrupt states like NY, CA, and IL, among others, where people are voting with their feet and fleeing. So, here is some of what Pat Abrami stands for:

-A philosophy of no state income, sales, capital gains, or inheritance taxes– He understands that opening the spigot of this type of tax revenue only invites unbounded spending. He has successfully fought on the NH House Floor against these taxes.

-A business-friendly environment– He understands that business creates good paying jobs and not government. As the Vice Chair of House Ways and Means he helped craft business tax cuts to help spur business growth and record business tax revenues as a result. 

-Parental rights is a must for public school transparency– Parents and strong family units are the fabric of society. World history has shown us that taking away parental rights never ends well. For the small percentage of bad parents in our society there are already safeguards in statute to protect children from abusive behavior.

-Public education focused on academics with the highest of standards– He understands that educators must focus on their core subjects without being distracted by politically driven agendas if our children are to thrive in today’s competitive world. He believes that student outcomes must be measured to hold teachers and administrators accountable.

-A voting system with integrity and thus trust is best– He understands that our voting system must be accessible to every voting age legal citizen and must be free of any chance for fraudulent behavior. He fought for voter ID which is now accepted by a vast majority of our voters.

-A strong judicial system that is just for the accused but does not forsake the   victim and society in the process– He has seen that across the country that the liberalization of bail, prosecutions, and sentencing has led to significant increases in violent crime and crime in general. To maintain our status as number one among the 50 states for quality of life requires low crime rate so all citizens feel safe

-No sanctuary state, county, city, or town should exist– He understands that allowing any NH political subdivision the ability to not cooperate with Federal authorities in the arrest of any federally wanted citizen or non-citizen is a violation of a bond between the states and the federal government that is required for the safety of all citizens. With the record number of illegal border crossings, sanctuary states and cities are finding out their sanctuary status acts like a magnet, bankrupting these jurisdictions.

-Abortion is a State right issue with regulation required to strike a balance between the rights of the mother and the rights of the unborn baby– He understands that a vast majority of NH citizens were opposed to late-term abortions and supported the move to no abortions after 24-weeks(with some exceptions), which is still well above many states and the European countries (10-16 weeks) which means this topic is still open to vigorous debate. He will only vote to change NH statute by lowering the weeks only if polls show this is the will of a vast majority of citizens. He does not believe that NH woud ever accept a no abortion policy. He also supports more education on how to prevent unwanted pregnancy and promote adoption as an alternative.

-Owning a gun is a U.S. and State Constitutional protected right subject to reasonable regulation– He believes that a vast majority of gun owners in NH are responsible citizens who know how to safely handle and store their weapons, however those who are convicted of committing felonious crimes should lose that right without question. Mental health is a the root of all mass shootings. I strongly support working for a more free flowing transfer of mental health information to the gun background check process.

-Efficient, effective, and nimble government– He has fought as a State Rep, and continue to fight as a Senator, for balanced budgets free of wasteful spending, bloated bureaucracy, and even the chance of special interest corruption/political patronage. Over the years NH has come up with creative solutions resulting in more user friendly services, but still provided in an economical manner.

-The right of a parent to protect their child from harm is basic to our laws with no exception other than neglect or abuse and if a parent fails to do so will be prosecuted-Children (ages 17 and under)  should not have the right to change gender mentally or physically, especially if the parents, who are the guardian and protector of that child in all other aspects of  law and societal norms, object to protect their child from making a life altering mistake.

Biological men, for reasons of fairness and safety, should not be allowed to    play sports on biological female teams– We understand that on June 23, 1972 that Title IX was passed which has allowed women’s sports to thrive for over 50 years and that biological women striving for excellence through hard work and dedication are having their goals of being the best at their sport threatened by biological men entering their arena. There are so many incidents in sports, like women’s volleyball and field hockey for instance, where biological males are injuring biological females because of the strength difference.

-The environment should be protected from air, water, and soil pollution for the benefit of humans as well as all animals and plants-He understands all forms of pollution are not healthy, whether caused by chemicals, combustion, waste disposal, or radio frequency radiation. All policies around these issues should be based on science, in which all points of view are heard, and done in a way with realistic achievable goals phased in over time based upon the severity of harm.

-Construct an energy policy based upon sound science, innovation, economically sound principles, and realistic timeframes for change that leads to our energy independence, low cost, and no interruptions to a steady flow of energy-A prosperous society depends upon on a low cost and dependable sources of energy that lead to an even cleaner environment. We must continue on a path that will initially require a mix of oil, coal, natural gas, wind, solar, tidal, ocean wave, hydro, nuclear, and other energy sources. Over time less oil and coal will be required. Much of coal has already been replaced by much cleaner natural gas. Portability of the energy type and its reliability any time of the day and if the wind is blowing as well as reliable storage solutions will dictate the timeframe for change, not some unrealistic artificial target. Of course all of this would be mute if  fusion reactors become a reality, which is the atom fusing process that keeps the sun shining.

-Continue to modify our education system in a way that allows low income parents to have school choice just as parents of financial means do-Much progress in NH has been made in regard to school choice starting with the approval of new charter schools and an increase of state funding per student. The Education Scholarship Program funded by business donations that are given a business tax break is very popular. The more recent Education Freedom Accounts, where the State money follows the child, are very popular and changing the lives of thousands of students each year. Expanding these programs is a must for the sake of the children, because one size does not fit all.

-Work on strategies to reduce our $6 billion unfunded pension liability-The greatest fiscal problem NH faces is its $6 billion unfunded pension liability. This pension covers all state and local employees including teachers. This will not be an easy issue to resolve, if it were, it would have been done long ago.

-Ensure that our healthcare system is as efficient and effective as possible to keep healthcare costs down-The executive branch and legislature should form a Commission to view our excellent healthcare system through the lens of efficiency and effectiveness which would lower costs for everyone.

There are many more issues, but these are on the top of Pat’s list. Thank you.