Pat’s political career history

Three-term Vice Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee and Chairman of 8 Commission and Joint Committees With the Senate.

constituent services

Twelve years of service to his district.  Emails, letters, texts, or phone messages were always responded to.

Societies, organizations, and honors

Examples of Pat’s breadth of life experiences, contributions, and fun facts.

About me

Experience Matters

12 years as a member in the NH House of Representatives (2010 – 2022).

43-year career as a healthcare operations consultant. 

BS/MS in Industrial Enginering / Operations Research.

 Pat has always excelled at what he has chosen to do in life. His years at the University of Buffalo (UB), where he received his BS and MS in Industrial Engineering/Operations Research, being inducted into Tau Beta Pi the national engineering honor society in the process, is testament to that.  Even with engineering school rigors he found the time to be a founding father of the UB lacrosse club that still exists today. Then there was his 43-year career as one of five principal/owners of a hospital operations consulting firm, where he personally consulted with 400+ hospital clients in 37 states and DC. Professionally, he was inducted as a fellow and then a life member of the Healthcare Information Management Systems Society. He has many published papers and a book to his name. For the last eight years of his professional life, he was also elected as a State Rep from Stratham. He was elected to six terms in all.

During those 12 years, he rose quickly to be the Vice Chair of the Ways and Means Committee, was asked to be on nine Commissions (consisting of Senators, State Reps, and outside experts) chairing six of those and asked to be on four Joint Committees with the Senate chairing two of those. His educational background and work experience as a problem solver served him well as a State Rep. That combined with his 12-years of accomplishments in the legislature makes him an excellent candidate to be the next NH Senator for District 24. His responsiveness to constituents, his proven leadership, work ethic and ability as a consensus builder are well known at the State House. When he met with NH Senate President Jeb Bradley to discuss his running for the Senate, he said, “Pat you will be an excellent Senator who knows his way around the State House and will hit the ground running once elected”. Go to the biography tab for more details.

Guiding Principles

Here are the principles that have guided my votes while serving in the NH House and will guide me in the NH Senate:

  • Local control is best to control government spending
  • No broad-based state taxes (income, sales, capital gains, or inheritance)
  • Efficient, effective, and quality government leads to appreciative taxpayers
  • Promote a business-friendly environment since businesses create good paying jobs and government does not
  • Families are the fabric of society instilling values in children which lead to productive and civil adults
  • High educational standards to enable our children to be competitive in this global economy
  • Preservation of NH’s beauty and heritage, once lost never regained
  • Energy independence to keep costs low and for geopolitical reasons
  • Volunteerism & community service are key to good outcomes
  • Common sense solutions not ideological driven agendas


News & Articles

Pat Abrami is a prolific writer.  A selection of his writings can be found below:

June 24, 2024 – The Stratham Republican Town Committee (SRTC) presented its First Annual Outstanding Service Award on June 19th at their monthly meeting. After many weeks of deliberation and discussion, the chosen recipients of this award were Annie’s Angels of Stratham. They are an amazing Charitable Organization dedicated to assisting local families who are struggling financially through life-threatening diseases, illnesses, or disabilities. Through their caring fundraising network, they connect neighbor to neighbor, friend to friend, and […]
After serving 12 years in the New Hampshire House of Representatives representing Stratham, I have decided to run for state Senate in District 24, which includes Rye, Greenland, Stratham, Exeter, Hampton, North Hampton, and Hampton Falls. When I met with Senate President Jeb Bradley several months […]
New Hampshire will be Completely Free of any Income Tax on January 1, 2025.Strong state revenues over several budgets made it time to eliminate the interest and dividends tax. That was the plan, until Democrats proposed HB1492 to reinstate the I&D tax at 5% on January […]